Thursday, September 30, 2010

"...because you are too thick"

I was given the ever so rare opportunity to have a one on one phone conversation with the owner of an Urban magazine today. To make an ever so long excuse short, here is the gist of the conversation: "Emily, you have a great look and an out of this world body but i just can't publish you because it will put me out of business you are TOO thick. There wouldn't be many if any other women out here that would be able to follow in your footsteps so I have to stick to the women that can give me more than one issue. So unfortunately, it would be bad for business on my end to work with you." So, of course I had to ask, "So, in layman's terms, it's more fake big booty girls than real ones and you can't work with the real ones because it would upset the fake ones to the point where they won't work with you?" His reply: "Basically."

It just doesn't pay to be real anymore. Literally.

No regrets-
Emily Camille

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Perfume #random

Logged on to my blog and to the right hand side, I noticed an ad for one of the websites that I buy my perfume from;! Need your perfume or cologne at a deeply discounted rate? Click the link. 100% real. Comes in original packaging, film wrapped and all (unless you decide to buy it out of the box). Can't find a fragrance that you fell in love with a while back, go to the site and they will GET IT FOR YOU! Cant ask for better customer service than that.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Racist. #random

I'm at the gym. When I pulled up, I was the only one there so I left my purse in my vehicle. To set up the scenario, all it contained was my license, eye drops and my MAC (makeup). After being in the gym for an hour or so, I go to the front of the building only to notice the POLICE looking in my window and a blonde in her droptop BMW crying her eyes out! So, I go outside and the officer yells at me to open my car. I ask him why and then I hear this girl on the phone in complete hysterics say, "She stole my makeup!" Being the nigga that I can be sometimes, I started to laugh! So, while I am opening my door and pulling out my purse, this bitch runs up behind me and screams to the top of her lungs as if that would hurt me and once again, I laughed in her face yet again. Now, her parents and 2 other police cars have shown up. So, I reach into my purse, pull out the make up and I smear MY NC50 on this hoe's face in every place imaginable. So, now, this crying, screaming, blonde hair, blue eyed 6 foot, beamer driving chick looks as if she had just finished playing in mud. She looks at her mother and THIS heifer says, "I'm not sure if that's your color, honey." #noshit

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Funniest Thing EVER #random

While i was in Montgomery, I went to visit a really good friend of mine that still attends Alabama State. Well, I had been promising him for months that I would come to his house. He's a que so for some reason, I expected the house to look somewhat like the frat house. I walked in and I was highly impressed! Went into his bedroom and stumbled upon the FUNNIEST oxymoron EVER! I never touched it, didn't arrange it like this, this is how I found it. He didn't even realize it until I showed him. #Azmatiq


I always say aint nuthin like a good smelling man but ladies...i am sure these men get tired of smelling body spray and lotion and  three for five roll on 'body perfume oils' #nshit

Four words: STEP YO GAME UP

I had 39 bottles of perfume and i noticed that number has dwindled down to...under 10 because of reasons unbeknownst to me SO it is back to the lab.

Armani. #enuffsaid

Wanna take a sniff at what i would smell like if i passed you? Hit your nearest mall or LEGIT perfume store. Niggas havent figured out how to turn this one into a body oil yet. Sowwy.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Pour this on a bed and watch a photographers eyes light up. Hell, you may see more than that get happy. For a photog that is serious about his ish...this is eye porn because it offers so many options. Take it from a chick who didnt understand the difference in over and underwhelming. Ok, this is overkill for a day of shopping but this is the idea cuz About a year ago, i solely depended on just having a big butt to push me through to the next round. It pushes more photogs away.

Show up to a shoot underprepared and the photog doesnt care...he just wanted to smash in the first place.

PS-to my fans, friends and stalkers, you see what i like. My po box address is on my site.

No regrets --
Emily Camille

Yes? No? Maybe So?

So, i am in Montgomery, Alabama and i decided to hit up this sex shop i used to frequent for many of my outfits to shoot in. As soon as i walked in, they remembered me! It had been over a year since i had been there. Searched around and found this little number. They even discounted me! Kisses and hugs to BG Novelities in the Gump.

Now, the question still remains... #yes #no #maybeso



Don't you HATE it when someone KNOWS that there is a 99.9% possibility that you are asleep but they still have the audacity to BURST into your room, peel back the covers, shake you and say, "You sleep?" *sigh*
It is 8:15 am CST and for those that follow me on Twitter already KNOW that if Emily Camille and the Sun were in a race to see who would stay up the longest, the Sun would win by default because she will have forgotten that she was racing...Back to the story.
My phone rang at 8. I answer in the most drunkenly sleep state that I could have, to a voice that I have not heard from in at least a year; by choice. I told y'all in my first blog how I did this oh so 'GRANDIOSE' shoot in Miami and was shopping them to be published. Well, it was a publisher. So I jumped up, like, cheered up my voice and I may have even straighted up my weave because this is business. This is money! A new day, two new dollars, you know...
"There's that fat ass I've been missin'. Oh, you sleep? Where you at?" ...yeah. Now, before I get into this, for the people that have been knowing me for a while and know who this is because of my dealings in the past with this magazine, please keep all names and associating OFF of the comments. For the others, you can guess all you want, cuz I ain't tellin. 
Let me give you some history.
I met dude through a mutual friend over the phone. We set a date to shoot, I showed up for the shoot and we shot. Easy, right? A month later, he set up an even more elaborate shoot; rented out a house, hair and make up, photog, all I had to do is bring my gear! DONE! Two shoots were done for this popular (and still popular to date) magazine. I was hype because I'm about to blow up this whole modeling world. Well, after business was finished, we started to kick it on a more personal note. It even got to where he started to bring his young, impressionable children around a sista! Then, that 'after 12am' text came through. We are grown and we all know that the only things that are open after 12 is the strip club, Krystal's and legs.
Months went by. I would get personal contact but nothing about business. So, I decided to ask one day and it was if I had said something offensive about his mother! The brother blew up on me asking me whether I trusted him and if I doubted that he would see this project through, then don't worry about it. ...yeah
Well, one weekend, I shot with another photographer and after the shoot, he said he would submit to this particular mag so I felt compelled to tell this story to him. This is when the photographer dropped the bombshell on me; "You know he's married, right?" Y'all...I was so taken back because this magazine owner was portraying himself as a single man! So the photographer text the publisher and said that he had just shot me. Less than 30 seconds, dude was on the other end of the phone! Didn't text back, CALLED. I will admit; I was scared because I just knew he was gonna show up to where we were and give me the tongue lashing of my life so I bused myself to my car and hit the road to head back home and as soon as I hit the interstate, my phone rang. I answer and I get the tongue lashing of my life and as you can probably guess, NONE of it was pertaining to my spread in his magazine.
It has been a year. "There's that fat ass I've been missing."? Well, that's a pretty bad way to start this conversation...

Man. The things men would do for pussy.

Lesson Three: Whoever said that they could make you a Celebrity Overnight, LIED. This takes time, patience and money. If you don't have either, a fast food restaurant awaits you.

Lesson Four: F*****g for features is the quickest way to get your name out here and not in a good way.

Lesson Five: The beauty of America is the freedom of choice. Use it to your advantage. There are too many magazines and websites out here that if one will NOT work with you because you aren't giving up the punani, 10 more will. Have enough respect for yourself. If you don't, they wont. 

No regrets --
Emily Camille

...and it starts like this

February 2010 was the last time I was published in a magazine (that I know of) and as of the last three months, I had been actively looking to work/shoot with new or (otherwise) people that I have not worked with yet to progressively push myself a bit more into the public eye. I mean, let's be serious; once you get published, it must happen again...and again...and again. It is like good sex; especially for me because I ain't gettin laid on a regular...I digress. ANYWAY! *pops lips* I did a, what I thought, really hot photo shoot in Miami. South Beach to be specific. I stayed in the Riveria on Liberty Ave., which I thought was soooooo cool because I played Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City all of the time back in my college days...I digress again...
WELL, did my shoot, got my photos the same day, dropped a pretty penny on EVERYTHING because I pay for my ish: hotel room, rental car (yes I did drive from Alabama to South Beach) food, parking, gas, photographer, you think of it, I paid for it. I got my images, shopped them to AT THE MINIMUM 20 magazines. To my surprise, 9 responded! To my dismay, everyone wanted to shoot their own images ad DID NOT think the photos were of 'the best quality' for their magazine. In layman's terms: "Thanks, but no thanks."
This is the first of many #lifelessons that I will shine. I will be as real as it can get because I personally feel that my negatives may be a positive to help someone else be more successful. I marked this blog 18+ because it gets THAT REAL. Refer this blog to EVERY MODEL, ASPIRING MODEL, BATHROOM MIRROR MODEL, TWITPIC MODEL, ETC. THAT YOU KNOW. There should be no doubt in your mind about this business if and when you enter it. This is not for the weary at heart and weak minds.

Lesson One: You are never as good as you can be. Strive for perfection. It is impossible, but I guarantee you will be closer to it than you was yesterday.

Lesson Two: Thick skin. If you don't have it, you better find it. 

No regrets --
Emily Camille