Wednesday, April 6, 2011

1st Fridays Club Primetime: Dothan, Alabama #ClubCandy

 I am a bartender and it is very rare that I get a weekend off unless I am booked but Fridays seem to be a big club night in the state. Luckily, the club that I work at is booooooooooooooring on Friday nights so what's a girl to do? Hit the highway! I went to the city that shows me the most love; DOTHAN!
 The promoter of the party and I--Douggie Fresh! If you EVER see his name or logo on a flyer, please believe the party will go down because dude is a networking MONSTER!
 One of the guys that ended my night with a lap rape. Not a lap dance but a lap rape. He was standing on his head and everything! The best entertainment EVER!
 Douggie Fresh and I
And to think I was overdressed that night.  Oh yeeeaaah...No Photoshop. :)
 Every time I hit Dothan, it is a Long Line but no wait. It is starting to feel good to know people know exactly who you are & take me straight to the stage; hence the above photo. I think I was the only female up there.

DJ to the Stars aka Mr. Record Breaker aka President of Cool Running DJ's aka Mr. Red Beard aka Mr. HoodRich himself; Supastar J Kwik! was fresh from his radio show in Tallahassee, Florida (Blazin' 102.3) and KILLED the club as he always does.They had to kick the people out of the club & MAKE em go home. Follow him! @SupastarJKwik YES. The parties Douggie throws are #EPIC #ShoulderToShoulder and it wasn't even 1 o'clock yet!