Wednesday, August 29, 2012

New Clips!

Of course, everyone saw the new photos of me on the beach yesterday but did you see the videos? Gotta check em out! Clips4Sale

Saturday, August 25, 2012

/NEW CLIP! 8/25/12

I was going through my files early this morning and decided to post the videos that used to be on my YouTube page that consistently ended up getting flagged and eventually deleted but...HERE! Black fringe one piece

Thursday, August 23, 2012

New Clips!

I posted new clips in my Clips4Sale store today of me at the beach so if you want to check those out, do so. I even made it easy for you! Look at the right side of your screen--you can see the new videos and can buy directly from here! See? I make things so easy for you to spend your money on me. :)

My Store

On The Beach

This morning, I decided to head over to the beach. So, I got up at 5:30am, threw on that electric blue thong bikini that everyone loves, packed up my camcorder and walked to the beach. I live on the bay side of South Beach so it took me a good 20 minutes to walk to the ocean but I got there right on time. I caught the sun rise, which has beautiful. Got a chance to catch some flicks for y'all. I pic stitch'd a few for y'all on IG but of COURSE you couldn't see the whole thing! can. :) I also filmed some video so you can check my clips for sale page for those!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Just still shots from the VIDEO--want to see the video, huh? lol

Sunday, August 19, 2012

I Have Taken My Talents To South Beach

If you have been following me on Twitter as of late, you KNOW how much I enjoy jumping on a plane and going somewhere. Well, I thought it was time to give Alabama a break--preferably for the rest of my life--and try somewhere different. My choices were Atlanta, Washington DC or Miami. Well, Atlanta is a bit too coonish for me. Between Real Housewives and Love and Hip-Hop, the value of the city seems to be depreciating and so are the men. Now, I will say that some of the men that I have let climb this mountain--3 to be exact --there are three young men, an Ivy League graduate, a musician who could play the piano and make my draws fly away and...the West End and I ain't talkin about just a regular dude, I'm talking did 15 years to the door and he just turned 30 West End--three different parts of the spectrum but three men that gave me a whole new sense of the city of Atlanta that I saw myself literally moving there just so I can have these three men in my weekly rotation. I would have had no walls but that would have been a casualty that I was willing to take. So, once I came to my senses, it was DC or Miami. DC...good food but cold weather...DC. Miami, HERE I AM!

...and I ain't just a regular Miami hoe either, I love on South Beach. I'm smiling from typing it. SOUTH BEACH! This is the life! The dream and I am loving it. South Beach seems to be loving me too because today, I tweeted out some slimmer photos. The walking is doing a number on this body!

Clips Anyone?

You know...I have grown to figure out that out of the 32K+ followers that I have, more than half of you mfs have some sick and twisted perverted minds. Sometimes, I wish I could let the world look over my shoulder as I read my e-mails because some of it would make you, me, your mother and my great granddaddy blush! NEVERTHELESS...and understand that I am not judging anyone or any of their fantasies or fetishes, I am here to please everyone in the best way possible.

Now, I've had hundreds of people say, "Emily, why don't you sale clips on Clips4Sale?" Took me a while to look into it but I did and I present to you -------> TheEmilyExperience <--------BEFORE ANY OF YOU START TO WONDER, It still isn't porn. I am still not a porn star and still don't plan on being one. I'm sorry to break your hearts. If you always wanted to join my site but you just wanted to see the videos, if you remember me from YouTube and you wanted to see those videos, they are all here. There are other videos, of course that are far from the norm but people pay to see them and I want to give everyone what they want. Don't judge anyone, they won't judge you. Clips on my page are of what people have requested and I honor requests. If you have a special request of a video that you would like for me to do for you, E-Mail Me! If it is not outside of my means, I will do it.

Enfluenz Magazine

On June 30th, a new magazine dropped and this little black girl had a nice little three page spread. Enfluenz was supposed to drop its first print issue but...things happen so at least you don't have to explain to your girlfriend how that magazine got under your mattress. :) Just download it from the site, and click buy now.  It wouldn't be right for me to tell you to support me and I don't even support myself--yes, I bought my own copy so you guys can do the same. 5 bucks. I am SURE you are aching for a sneak peek so... here! You're welcome. :) Yes, there is a third photo and the rest of the interview but...I know you want to see it so, you will pay for it.


Sadly, it has been a while since I wrote on my blog.

I decided to google myself (shows my boredom) and my blog happened to have popped up on the very first page! I was really excited! After looking into my statistics, I have found that this blog is being viewed by someone or some people because it has been touched on a daily basis and I haven't written since June 2011!  I'm not proud of that so I an going to do better. I have been finding time to do it for everyone else that I don't even bother to do it for me so...I'm back. Guess I should update everyone--

1. I'm still single.
2. I'm still horny.
3. I--that's all.
