Thursday, June 16, 2011


We are taking our talents to South Beach! My homie, Ladi Mahogany Da Foxx [@LMDAFOXX] is celebrating her birthday the only way she knows how. Last year was big...this year BIGGER. Why? WE GOING ON TOUR! Starting in Atlanta and ending in Miami...KOD will be on LOCK! June 26th & you will NEVER guess who is hosting... :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

July1st #FirstFriday Primetime Dothan, Alabama

July 1st! I will be in Dothan, Alabama for First Friday at Primetime! These parties ALWAYS jump and of COURSE...I'm a special guest appearance! My homie @SupastarJKwik in the DJ will go DOWN!


Another day, another dollar...ANOTHER MAGAZINE FEATURE! Check me out in issue 4 of Flava Girl Magazine This IS a full scale magazine...meaning, it isn't the size of a JET mag.

And to sweeten the deal....just so y'all KNOW that I am NOT just a big booty and a smile...

Editor In Chief...Moi.
SEE! You CAN trust me!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

New Twitter Avi!

Surprisingly, I had quite a few people asking if I would be putting my new avi on my blog even though it is on Twitter. The only reason that I could understand why they could steal it so...STEAL AWAY! Hope you like!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

40 Flavas Magazine

New magazine feature!!! Order (it is a print magazine) your copy of Flava Girl/40 Flavas TODAY! It is two magazines in one. If you have a girlfriend and you do not want the physical copy lying around your place, get the digital version. Just click the link below!

Print version - Print Version of Flava Girl Magazine
Digital version - Digital Version of Flava Girl Magazine

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Saturday, April 23, 2011

If I'm Too Simple, Then Y'all Don't Get The Basics

This is my life. I am a country woman and I am proud of it. I kid around on Twitter to make people laugh when I say things like, "I can bake a cake, hunt, fish, cook, plant a garden, shoot a gun and suck a dick upside down" but...I am serious. As a country girl, mama taught me to be versatile (except the dick suckin part) and with versatility, came responsibility. Catching a fish is one thing. How will I eat the fish if I don't know how to clean it? I can plant a garden but how will I be able to reap the benefits if I can't harvest it?
The older I get the more responsibilities I start to see pop up in front of me and it made me think...if I am going to be the wife and mother that I want to be, I need to start practicing and honing my skills so...I made a cake. Not just any old cake; a Carrot Cake with a Buttermilk Glaze and a Butter Cream Cheese frosting and all from scratch and I was proud of myself but then I thought about it...
They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach so, I need to ask the bellies that are reading this; how would you feel about walking into a home with a meal prepared for you when you come in? Does that really matter in the end?
If the woman of your dreams came into the room and stood beside the little country woman who you know would give you three of the BEST full course meals a day for the rest of your life, who would you choose?

I'm only asking because...I don't want to be wasting my time trying to become the best that I can be for my future husband and still not win the rat race. So, I ask you to be honest.

Oh is the cake.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


 Just posted a new video on YouTube of my booty since it is getting quite 'stripper-ish' now. Two channels because my 'haters' are SERIOUS about their job. But...if all else fails, you can watch it here They can't report my blog. :) Happy watching!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

#ClubCandy Elks Lounge: Dothan Alabama

Me working in a club does not mean that I like to club. However, since I started hosting and traveling, My life has slowly started to evole me into a club rat. This club I enjoyed though. Strictly two step music and old men staring with their mouths open. No hatin females; they are all in full 'I remember when I was shaped like that' mode. Only one problem. There was no bar! Want a drink? Buy a fifth and a cup of juice. I felt stupid asking that bartender for a Sex on the Beach and her blankly staring at me. Anyway...found a full length mirror to flick it up in my AA dress. American Apparel is my friend. My body says thank you.

A-- So Fat You Can See It From The Front

38-29-53. Boobs, Waist & Hips. I've been documenting my workout progress and I wanted to show y'all one of the blessings/curses that I am forced to deal with. See the pics? Yep. There is 24 in difference between my waist and my hips or what y'all call the 'booty'. Blessing - it looks REALLY good. Curse - I can't wear ANYTHING that doesn't stretch. :( so, when you see my photos from my next shoot, please be advised in advance; no photoshop.

No Regrets
-Emily Camille

#PROGRESS 4.7.11

My name is Emily and I am an Angry Bird Addict

Everyone has an addiction. Something that you like...can't get enough of. ..something that may even cause you to lose sleep. My addiction is.....Angry Birds. I have had many 'just one more level' nights to the point where I have looked out of my window and saw the sun peeking in to see what I'm up to. Now...I beat all of the games and thought I was over this until I went into Hot Topic and found this... *sigh*

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

1st Fridays Club Primetime: Dothan, Alabama #ClubCandy

 I am a bartender and it is very rare that I get a weekend off unless I am booked but Fridays seem to be a big club night in the state. Luckily, the club that I work at is booooooooooooooring on Friday nights so what's a girl to do? Hit the highway! I went to the city that shows me the most love; DOTHAN!
 The promoter of the party and I--Douggie Fresh! If you EVER see his name or logo on a flyer, please believe the party will go down because dude is a networking MONSTER!
 One of the guys that ended my night with a lap rape. Not a lap dance but a lap rape. He was standing on his head and everything! The best entertainment EVER!
 Douggie Fresh and I
And to think I was overdressed that night.  Oh yeeeaaah...No Photoshop. :)
 Every time I hit Dothan, it is a Long Line but no wait. It is starting to feel good to know people know exactly who you are & take me straight to the stage; hence the above photo. I think I was the only female up there.

DJ to the Stars aka Mr. Record Breaker aka President of Cool Running DJ's aka Mr. Red Beard aka Mr. HoodRich himself; Supastar J Kwik! was fresh from his radio show in Tallahassee, Florida (Blazin' 102.3) and KILLED the club as he always does.They had to kick the people out of the club & MAKE em go home. Follow him! @SupastarJKwik YES. The parties Douggie throws are #EPIC #ShoulderToShoulder and it wasn't even 1 o'clock yet!