Tuesday, September 21, 2010

...and it starts like this

February 2010 was the last time I was published in a magazine (that I know of) and as of the last three months, I had been actively looking to work/shoot with new or (otherwise) people that I have not worked with yet to progressively push myself a bit more into the public eye. I mean, let's be serious; once you get published, it must happen again...and again...and again. It is like good sex; especially for me because I ain't gettin laid on a regular...I digress. ANYWAY! *pops lips* I did a, what I thought, really hot photo shoot in Miami. South Beach to be specific. I stayed in the Riveria on Liberty Ave., which I thought was soooooo cool because I played Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City all of the time back in my college days...I digress again...
WELL, did my shoot, got my photos the same day, dropped a pretty penny on EVERYTHING because I pay for my ish: hotel room, rental car (yes I did drive from Alabama to South Beach) food, parking, gas, photographer, you think of it, I paid for it. I got my images, shopped them to AT THE MINIMUM 20 magazines. To my surprise, 9 responded! To my dismay, everyone wanted to shoot their own images ad DID NOT think the photos were of 'the best quality' for their magazine. In layman's terms: "Thanks, but no thanks."
This is the first of many #lifelessons that I will shine. I will be as real as it can get because I personally feel that my negatives may be a positive to help someone else be more successful. I marked this blog 18+ because it gets THAT REAL. Refer this blog to EVERY MODEL, ASPIRING MODEL, BATHROOM MIRROR MODEL, TWITPIC MODEL, ETC. THAT YOU KNOW. There should be no doubt in your mind about this business if and when you enter it. This is not for the weary at heart and weak minds.

Lesson One: You are never as good as you can be. Strive for perfection. It is impossible, but I guarantee you will be closer to it than you was yesterday.

Lesson Two: Thick skin. If you don't have it, you better find it. 

No regrets --
Emily Camille


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its more companies then 20 keep pushing it.