Thursday, March 24, 2011

Workout Advice Needed #Random

Love my tummy. It is as flat as I could ask for it to be. I even have a mini 4 pack but those bottom two abs...hate me. My waist is a 29. Not so much concerned with the size of my waist but I would do or try almost anything to get the lower abs to rear their ugly head before the end of May. So basically what I am saying is... HELP!


Unknown said...

ok you should really consider couch crunches and working the abs out in a 4 part set upper mid lower and obliques 15 mins a day on each should get you where u wanna be hanging leg lifts and six inch leg lift should help thos lower abs

Unknown said...

and you should really consider getting a workout partner to help push you not saying you dont have drive but its the 2 extra reps you didnt wanna do the makes the world of difference...and diet a clean diet no sugar pop or fruits after 6pm plenty water and chicken chicken chicken & brown rice is a must

Unknown said...

Reverse Abdominal Leg Crunches
Sit on a flat bench with your hands behind your butt and grab the sides of the bench. Extend your legs straight out, bending your knees. Begin by bringing your knees into your midsection. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.
Now losing that particular area is usually the hardest but it can be done.

Unknown said...

Decline Abdominal Crunch
Using a decline bench, position yourself with your feet locked in at the top. Place your hands on either side of your head, without locking your fingers. Raise your body slowly while you contract your abs. Crunch up, bringing your elbows to either side of your thighs. At the top of the movement, flex your abs for a one-count and then slowly lower your body back to the starting position. Be sure to keep at least an inch or two of space between your back and the bench at the bottom of the movement. Also, for added muscle building, hold a weight plate across your chest for added resistance.

Unknown said...

Using a decline bench, lie on your back with your head at the top of the bench, near where your feet
Reverse Decline Crunches
usually go. Next, hold the top of the bench with both hands. Hold your legs straight out together in the air, parallel to the floor using your abs to hold them there. Slowly bring your pelvis up and in towards your chest, having your abs control the movement. Slowly lower yourself back to the starting position, always keeping constant tension on your midsection.

Unknown said...

Lie flat on your back on a bench
Flat Bench Abdominal Leg Raises
with your legs off the end, remaining parallel to the ground. Place your hands back next to your head and grab the edge of the bench. Keeping your legs as straight as possible, raise your legs as high as possible, making sure that your abs are doing the work. Lower legs back down to the start position and repeat.

Unknown said...

Hanging Abdominal Leg Raises
Hang from a pull-up bar with your legs straight down. Raise your legs by bringing your knees up toward your chest, but only until even with your waist. Focus on having the movement be slow and controlled and concentrate on using your abs to bring your legs up. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat.

Unknown said...

You can do sets 3 15-20 Reps
You need to really focus on eliminating all of the empty calories from your nutritional plan. Stick with lean protein (chicken breast, egg whites, turkey breast and fibrous, non-starchy carbs throughout most of the day. Starches can be eaten before your workout and early to mid-morning but should be cut by 5pm. Fibrous carbs should contain mostly vegetables like broccoli, mushrooms, yellow squash, green beans, zucchini, etc.

Unknown said...

Try cardio cross training to add a shock to your body and start burning more fat. Make sure to mix in low-intensity with high-intensity sessions. Take your time with these exercises, do not sacrifice form just to do them perfect form means your getting the best quality results everytime & pace yourself sis.