Wednesday, October 27, 2010

#Random "Say what?"

I am a bartender at a night club in Alabama. One night, while I am walking into my job, I look up and I am staring into the face of my very first boyfriend/the guy who took my...V. Then I looked down and saw how much he had...spread. Well, the club I work at is owned by his family. Being that I had not seen him in at least 4 years, I had failed to tell his people/my co-workers about 'us'. Well, the next day, his aunt pulled me to the side and said, "Do he got a big one?" So, of course I am in a daze from her question and she clues me in (in an auntie manner) of how small he was as a baby and she seriously asked me if it was still small when I got with him. Sadly, it was. I wasn't raised around boys so I didn't know how it worked but if it is small as a baby, apparently, not much changes. I hope he never reads this. If he does...Sorry, she asked. -shrugs-

No Regrets
Emily Camille

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